The Laundry Girl
Set in Perth, Western Australia, during the closing stages of World War II, The Laundry Girl, tells of a girl who was abandoned by her mother because she was seemingly considered to have interfered with her often-questionable lifestyle. The story of a ten year-old child, given up by her mother to a Catholic home for wayward women and about-to-be unmarried mothers. But there is a marked difference between schoolgirl Faye and the other wards.

Resurrection of Mankind
There has never been a more challenging phase in our lives of such great adversity and fear as now. It is time to listen, to hear and to trust in these powerful messages sent from Spirit to help guide us through these uncertain times. Whether we believe in the Spirit Realm or not, unrest is happening in the world, and it is with hope that mankind can take heed of this information and work towards a better life for the good of all. We need to stand together against the injustices of the World and fight for our choice of freedom and movement to bring about the peace and harmony we all so deserve.

Messages From The Spirit Realm
Messages from the Spirit Realm is a series of five channelled books containing information to help us all cope with the reality of our daily lives. Spirit wishes us to know that they are always with us, each and every day on this Earth Plane and that the events and happenings in our lives are all ordained. These messages have been shared with us so that we may know that our connection to the Spirit Realm is real. All we have to do is ask the many Angels that exist for their help to lighten the burden of our lives.

Sarah Brett has been a vet in mixed practice for 36 years, which is her chosen profession and still great passion, after all these years. In recent years, though, she has also found herself in the whole new world of book publishing.
Publishing came into her life via a random series of events, as it so often does in life, when two different friends shared information with her that they had written manuscripts they were seeking to publish.
Sarah’s association with the Pickawoowoo Publishing Group ladies eventually led to her setting up Spirit of the Boabs, a personal and niche publishing business.
Sarah Brett

Reader Reviews

“This book is a wonderful resource for anyone who is seeking additional information, or a different perspective, on some of life’s challenging situations.
Whether you are already in alignment with this particular way of thinking or not, please take the time to read and absorb the information. It may just resonate with you in a way you never thought possible, as we never know when a window of information and understanding will open within us.
This book may just be the catalyst to assist you on the journey. Enjoy.”
(About Messages from the Spirit Realm - June Redfearne)
Lorraine Mill, Australia

“As a reader, you don’t have to believe in the Spirit World to enjoy June Redfearnes’ books. Everybody can relate to the topics the Spirits have chosen to talk about through Junes’ hand. The style is light and the explanations are easy to understand. This gives the reader an understanding of crises that occur through this journey of human life and can help to overcome grief and tragedy.
These messages are quite philosophical and of interest to everyone who wants to make the most of life on Earth.”
(About Messages from the Spirit Realm - June Redfearne)
Elisabeth Enz, France
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